wide shot of a residential Sun Room

If you’re thinking about adding an outdoor or semi-outdoor space, a sunroom might be just what you’re looking for. It can give you an outdoor feel while offering all the protection of an indoor living space. Check out the details to see if a sunroom is right for your home.

Kitchen renovation - cabinet and island installation

Cabinet installation can seem intimidating since these fixtures are so large. However, if you can put together furniture or hang a shelf, you can install a kitchen cabinet. All you need to do is get the right tools and follow this step-by-step guide.

Residential Condensing Hybrid Tankless Water Heater

If you want to install a tankless electric water heater yourself, it's important that you know what you’re getting into before you start this project. To get you started, we've laid out this step-by-step tankless electric water heater installation guide.

Set of design materials.

Your head is spinning with potential flooring options. One of the key factors you’re likely looking  at — besides the design, of course — is price. For your cost-comparison convenience, we’ve gathered all our flooring cost guides here.

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